24 March 2020
4 Ways To Simplify & Get Practical With Your IoT Management

“How well do you know your IoT network? If you’ve had to stop and think you’ve answered our question”.
Having confidence in your operational capabilities to deliver efficient connections and real-time insights is a myth without effective IoT management. A business’s head can become a murky place swimming with data on their IoT network that often gets pushed into unseen depths. This, however, doesn’t have to be the case. So, how can you throw out a lifeline, simplify and get practical with your IoT management? Below is a list of ways to enhance your management skills to boost your confidence.
1. Cloud Network Management
Rather than trying to maintain traditional device-focused networks, businesses should introduce wan-optimised cloud networks to improve the reliability of IoT connectivity. Cloud computing provides a great base for IoT networks as it has ample storage space for IoT data. Without the cloud, IoT data may have to be stored in multiple servers, which makes it much harder to analyse and compare. If you are currently unsure where all your data is being stored and collected, Open-AudIT can collect your data from multiple networks, ensuring that it is organised, catalogued and easily configurable into meaningful reports.
2. Ensure Scalability
Over 25B units, that is the 2021 expert forecasts for install base IoT endpoints, with services spending $500B on IoT. So it’s time to pivot, businesses need to be flexible in introducing new devices and expanding their IoT network. An IoT network should be ready for the lights, camera and action of integrating new services, apps and data; without the negative effect on their networks. Gartner mirrors the importance of scalability and practical IoT infrastructure management in this podcast.
3. AI
From chatbots to automated customer service enquiries, automation is being introduced in multiple areas of a business. The stronger your communication between devices on an IoT network, the more processes that can be efficiently automated. You’ll have the power for devices to be able to communicate with each other over a query; saving the time of a physical employee transporting information from one database to another.
Why Is Simplifying Your IoT Management Beneficial?
By simplifying your IoT management, you allow your IoT network to work more efficiently. For example, work processes will become more streamlined and everyday tasks can be completed intuitively. This leads to better customer satisfaction and engagement. Employees in your business will also benefit from simplified IoT management as they will have a streamlined workflow and will be able to manage their time more effectively. Open-AudIT will ensure employees have maximum control over network devices, so they have more time to focus on creative tasks. This will help employees to feel more valued, helping you attract and retain the best team members.
How To Start Practical Iot Management?
Before you try to simplify your IoT management before the whistle goes off, understanding of the current condition of your IoT network is essential. Use tools like Open-audIT to see beneath the surface with precise x-ray vision quality device discovery and control. Simplifying the end-to-end process Opmantek tools allow users to gain unparalleled visibility into their IoT network, giving businesses the chance to grow on a global level.
Practical IoT management involves more than just managing IoT data, it involves managing how IoT devices connect and communicate with one another. The best way to start IoT management is by having a clear and thorough understanding of your IoT network. With greater understanding and control of the devices of your IoT network, you’ll be able to make more accurate choices about how you use your data and what software would benefit your network. For more guidance about practical IoT management, talk to our experts about showing you a live demo.