27 April 2017
The key to unlocking cloud security opportunity for telcos

The demand for cloud security services in today’s dynamic cyber security landscape, is growing at a rapid pace across the globe.
But unlocking the huge new revenue opportunity in the enterprise market segment for a telco or data centre operator is a challenging task.
Having worked for many years in Telstra Corporation – the #1 Telco in Australia – developing end-to-end managed network, security and Internet products and services for enterprise and multinational customers across the world, and advising service providers as an independent specialist consultant on ‘tapping’ the rich vein of opportunity arising from the rapidly-evolving, cloud-driven software-defined networking (SDN) and Network Function Virtualisation (NFV) ‘mega-trend’, I recognise the imperative to couple telco-ready security gateway orchestration on cloud infrastructure with best -practice  integrated service & security management and business process frameworks to enable Telcos and CSPs to cost-effectively and rapidly create, launch and deliver these cloud security solutions to enterprise customers.
Currently, telco and data centre operators have to expend significant time and resource to engage multiple security vendors, source & integrate the latest best-of-breed technologies with legacy and ‘new-wave’ OSS/BSS IT systems and processes, deploy across a variety of telco, private or public cloud infrastructures, and, on top of all that, design, create and deliver the right service offerings for their enterprise customers.
But there is a way to unlock this potential and accelerate realisation of this opportunity by deploying the right platform that quickly transforms legacy telco solutions to the exciting cloud future.
At the heart of this platform-as-a-solution, is a sophisticated, purpose-built multi-vendor management and orchestration engine (‘MANO’)  powering  a scalable telco-grade platform that unlocks innovative, differentiated cloud security gateway solutions, and easily delivers them as ‘Your Telco’ branded cloud security services for telco business, enterprise and government customers, thus reducing the time to revenue, capex and opex investment and operational risk to deliver and support new services to customers.
First and foremost, this cloud orchestration suite is ready today for any telco and data centre operator, who wants to sell and deliver a variety of new revenue-generating security and related cloud- based solutions as a service to their enterprise customers. It incorporates already- accredited, pre-integrated product and technology solutions from a variety of world-leading security vendors, abstracted into enterprise-ready service templates to drastically simplify offer creation and launch, and also automates the provisioning of these services for delivery in multiple cloud environments, whilst providing management and reporting for both telco and customer through a single pane of glass.
In summary, telcos need a scalable, vendor-neutral, telco-grade, cloud-delivered and fully-integrated platform-based solution that accelerates service design and deployment, delivers the required security controls and capabilities and supports governance and compliance for their customers. With the increased sophistication and breadth of best-in-class security solutions now required to protect an enterprise, telco-ready cloud orchestration puts management and control of cloud security back in the hands of telcos so they can provide a holistic approach to the complex cloud security needs of their customers.
If you would like to learn more, please contact us at info@firstwave.com.au