27 September 2018
Three things your business can do to stay cyber-secure
![Three things your business can do to stay cyber-secure](https://s46004.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/cyber-security-education-min_orig.jpg)
Cybersecurity has become a key priority for business leaders today.
The number of cyber-threats and scams is growing; the threats and scams themselves are increasing in sophistication; and the consequences of a security breach are more damaging. So how can businesses can take to remain cyber-secure? In coming weeks we’ll be describing some key measures your business can take to protect its systems, information and people.
People can be your weakest link or your greatest asset when it comes to cyber-security. Malicious individuals have developed socially engineered threats or scams that deceive people into clicking on dangerous links, opening suspect attachments or even inadvertently sending money to scammers posing as your CEO. So what are some steps you can take to mitigate these threats?
- Educate your employees. Implement and regularly update education programs that teach your employees about how to recognise threats and scams. Extend these programs to employees’ families and partners and customers where feasible. These programs should teach employees that cyber security is everyone’s responsibility – not just IT department or the senior leadership team.
- Implement rigorous cyber-security policies. Businesses should complement education programs with policies governing issues such as the handling of information or devices (including diverse issues such as the use of USB drives; the use of company-owned notebooks on unsecured public networks; and the shutting down of departing employees’ access to systems and data). The policies should also cover steps employees need to take – including who they need to inform – in the event of an incident such as a notebook with sensitive information being left in the back of a taxi.
- Build cyber-security into the culture of your business. This can be achieved through leaders within the business modelling and advocating security awareness; incorporating security into the business’s vision and mission statements; promoting security in recruitment and onboarding processes; and rewarding positive security behaviours.
Taking these steps can play a vital role in building a powerful security risk posture at your business. Call Simon or one of our experts today on +61 2 9409 7000 to find out more about cyber education.