Getting Started, Converting the OVF for Other Hypervisors

To use OVF/OVA files with other virtualisation systems like KVM you may have to convert the OVF file to a native format; Two well-known tools for this purpose are virt-v2v (available in CentOS6/RHEL) and virt-convert (in Debian).


Getting Started, Converting the OVF for VMware vCenter

Importing the OVA file to an ESXi Datacenter via vCenter using VMware OVF Tool

  • NOTE – We do not support OVA import to VMware ESXi directly or via VMware vCenter using a browser.
  • NOTE – We require the VMware OVF Tool if importing to VMware ESXi directly or via VMware vCenter.
    • Numerous attempts were made to import this OVA using the VMware vSphere HTML5 Client, with Chrome, Chromium and Firefox as browser: Every attempt timed out.
    • We have yet to experience a failed import of this OVF using VMware commandline tool ovftool: For this reason VMware commandline tool ovftool is recommended for importing OVAs’ via VMware vCenter

You can import the OVA file into a VMware ESXi Datacenter via VMware vCenter using VMware ovftool, from the PC or server you run ovftool.
Remember to set the Virtual Machine name you like, the datastore you want, the network you want, and point it at the server you want to deploy to.
Run commands like this:

  • In this example the VMware vCenter 6.5 install has created:

    • FQDN ‘photon-machine’ with

      • user ‘administrator,

      • sso domain name ‘vsphere.localdomain, and

      • sso password ‘Vagrant1!

        • which must be escaped when used in this context using ovftool:

          • escaped  password: ‘Vagrant1\!

  • VMware ovftool option that should be determined appropriate to this use case for this OVA import:
    • -ds=”datastore_name-number”
      • Required if the selected Datacenter has more than one datastore
    • -nw=”network_name-number”
      • Required if the selected Datacenter has more than one network
    • -dm

      Specify the disk format. You can specify the following formats:

      • monolithicSparse
      • monolithicFlat
      • twoGbMaxExtentSparse
      • twoGbMaxExtentFlat
      • seSparse (vSphere target)
      • eagerZeroedThick (vSphere target)
      • thin(vSphere target)
      • thick (vSphere target)
      • sparse
      • flat
Determine the Datacenter name: 

ovftool vi://administrator@vsphere.localdomain:Vagrant1\!@photon-machine

Error: Found wrong kind of object (Folder). Possible completions are:

Datacenter1/Determine the Datacenter available options:
ovftool vi://administrator@vsphere.localdomain:Vagrant1\!@photon-machine/Datacenter1/
Error: Found wrong kind of object (Datacenter). Possible completions are:

Determine the Datacenter host IP or FQDN:
ovftool vi://administrator@vsphere.localdomain:Vagrant1\!@photon-machine/Datacenter1/host/
Error: Found wrong kind of object (Folder). Possible completions are:

Import Opmantek-20200708-VM9-Centos7.2003-3-64bit.ova which is in the current directory, in this example using vSphere option –diskMode=thin:
ls -la
-rw-rw-r– 1 user user 903864320 Jul 29 13:09 Opmantek-20200708-VM9-Centos7.2003-3-64bit.ova

ovftool –acceptAllEulas –name=”omk_vm9_centos7″ –diskMode=thin Opmantek-20200708-VM9-Centos7.2003-3-64bit.ova vi://administrator@vsphere.localdomain:Vagrant1\!@photon-machine/Datacenter1/host/
Opening OVA source: Opmantek-20200708-VM9-Centos7.2003-3-64bit.ova
Opening VI target: vi://administrator%40vsphere.localdomain@
Deploying to VI: vi://administrator%40vsphere.localdomain@
Transfer Completed
– No supported manifest(sha1, sha256, sha512) entry found for: ‘omk-vm9-centos7-disk001.vmdk’.
– No supported manifest(sha1, sha256, sha512) entry found for: ‘omk-vm9-centos7-disk002.vmdk’.
– No manifest file found.
Completed successfully


Getting Started, Converting the OVF for VMware ESXi

NOTE – We do not support OVA import to VMware ESXi directly or via VMware vCenter using a browser.

NOTE – We require the VMware OVF Tool if importing to VMware ESXi directly or via VMware vCenter:

Importing the OVA file directly to ESXi using VMware OVF Tool

You can import the OVA file directly into ESXi using VMware ovftool, from the PC or server you run ovftool.
Remember to set the Virtual Machine name you like, the datastore you want, the network you want, and point it at the server you want to deploy to.
Run the command like this:

ovftool –name=”NMIS9″ -dm=”thin” -ds=datastore_name-number -nw=”network_name-number” Opmantek-20200708-VM9-Centos7.2003-3-64bit.ova vi://user:escaped_password@host_ip_address
Opening OVA source: Opmantek-20200708-VM9-Centos7.2003-3-64bit.ova
Opening VI target: vi://user@host_ip_address:443/
Deploying to VI: vi://user@host_ip_address:443/
Transfer Completed
– No supported manifest(sha1, sha256, sha512) entry found for: ‘omk-vm8-centos7-disk001.vmdk’.
– No supported manifest(sha1, sha256, sha512) entry found for: ‘omk-vm8-centos7-disk002.vmdk’.
– No manifest file found.
Completed successfully

Getting Started, Converting the OVF for VMware Desktop Applications

These VMware Desktop products  will import directly from an OVF/OVA file so you can just start up the software and select “File → Open” and select the OVA file for import. 

VMware Fusion 11

Even though, there are no caveats in relation to importing the Virtual Appliance using VMware Fusion,
it is important to remind users to grant permission to VMware Fusion to fully execute on OSX, specially after installing it.

Broken Pipe MSG
The following message is displayed while running the VM without the permission granted.
Security Settings - 700

The permission should be granted on System Preferences > Security & Privacy

Upgrade the Virtual machine hardware version (optional)

The Opmantek Virtual Appliance ships with the virtual machine hardware version set very low for maximum compatibility, but you may want to upgrade the hardware version to a higher level (to leverage performance benefits, remove memory limitations, etc.) as described on the VMware website


Getting Started, Converting the OVF for VirtualBox

VirtualBox will import directly from an OVF/OVA file so you can just start up VirtualBox and select “Import Appliance…”
VM Guide 01 - 700
Browse to where you unzipped the file and select the ovf file, you should see a screen something like this:
The import process may take a couple of minutes to complete, just enough time to grab a cup of coffee I’d say.If you have any trouble the VirtualBox documentation is here:
NOTE – The virtual machine is configured to use 8GB memory and the network interface may appear as NAT. Please revise the memory to suit and change the NAT adapter to Bridged.
Important Note regarding Ext4:
If your Virtualbox host is Linux and your VMs are stored on XFS or Ext4 file systems, then it is absolutely necessary that you enable the “Host I/O Cache” for all virtual disk controllers after importing the OVF file, or you run the risk of file system corruption in your guest. On one of our test systems (Linux kernel 3.14.23, Virtualbox 4.3.14) the VM wouldn’t even fully get through the first boot before the virtual disks got corrupted – but with Host I/O Cache on everything is fine. 

Below is an example of how to enable Host I/O Cache using VirtualBox:

Note – In some cases the system will log you out over and over due to the OVA by default having Automatic time synchronization enabled that may cause some authentication cookie issues. To avoid this issue simply check the “Hardware Clock in UTC Time” box in the settings menu under “System” before starting the appliance.
VM Guide 03 - 700
CentOS 7 on VirtualBox 

It’s now highly unlikely that VirtualBox users will find themselves at the dracut emergency shell prompt when first booting our vm that runs CentOS 7.
We continue to provide this information in case needed:

rescueKernel - 700
When faced with this obstacle reboot the vm selecting the rescue kernel.
dracutCommand - 700

After it boots login as normal and try the try the following dacut command (you can find login credentials here).
dracut -f /boot/ <kernel_image> <kernel_name>

dracutPrompt - 700
If the command completes successfully reboot the vm normally. Be aware that future kernel updates may require this maneuver be done again.