12 July 2019
opReports v3.1.11 New Release

This has been a busy year for opReports and the product gets better and better with every update. There are new reports that have been created for each release and you will gain a better understanding of your network by installing opReports.
In this release we have introduced the following:
A new report type: Monitored Services Report that offers the following new options for Node Availability and Grouped Availability;
‘opreports_availability_average_packetloss’ in path/to/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis, controls whether the previous ‘Packet Loss %’ (now renamed ‘Count Packet Loss %’) or  ‘Average Packet Loss %’ is displayed in this report.
Uses a newly developed ‘known_reports_cache’ to speed up the loading of reports;
A new option ‘opreports_do_cache_known_reports’ in path/to/omk/conf/opCommon.nmis determines whether this cache is enabled or disabled. The cache is enabled by default.
Testing on a server with a moderately large number of generated reports has found load time to view a large report improves from more than 9 minutes to less than 45 seconds with the cache enabled.
Full release notes are available – here.