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Managing Complex Event Responses


Managing Complex Event Responses

Join Mark Henry as he talks about a subject that is near and dear to his heart, Event Automation and Remediation.

This webinar is part of a series of event and configuration management webinars, it is recommended to watch the following prior to starting this webinar:

In today’s session, we will explore the concept of using opEvent’s Actions to create a Complex Adaptive System (CAS) to handle troubleshooting and event remediation. A CAS is any system made up of independent operators or agents. Each agent operates on a fairly simplistic level, doing one or two very well defined operations independently from the rest of the system. With this pattern, you will be able to quickly build a responsive event handling system that is customized to how your organization works and learns.

Join us for this in-depth 60-minute session while we explore:

  • Core concepts of a CAS system and how implementing it will improve maintainability and scalability of the solution.
  • Methods for designing the overall event escalation system – How to create useful troubleshooting scripts, including collecting device configuration information, for every event.
  • Building notification routines to handle all situations; after hours, weekends, vacations, and non-response.
  • Expanding actions to proactively respond to events; reconfiguring devices (using opConfig), restarting services, and leveraging APIs.

Useful Links: