02 November 2018
OpEvents v2.4.2 New Release

A new version of opEvents has just been released and included are some extremely powerful and exciting features.
But first, a warning, to run the newest version, you will need a minimum MongoDB version of 3.2. If that is sorted read on, otherwise I can wait.
The biggest addition in this version is a new in-app editor for Event Actions and policies. The editor allows for quick editing of your EventActions.nmis config; this can be found under “System” –> “Edit Event Actions”. This feature will be your favourite part of opEvents really quickly due to its syntax highlighting for Event Actions. It will also validate your changes at any stage and even show the console output for event action validation. You won’t be flying blind though, there is also embedded documentation and in case you do make an error, saves will generate a new backup of your last revision these are saved in <omk_dir>/backups/EventActions.nmis.*
There are many more features that have been added, I particularly like the little tweak on the events dashboard pages now select a default display interval, it’s only minor but it’s pleasing. For the full release notes head over to the wiki and you will see all of the additions and improvements that were made.