30 March 2020
Opmantek Software Announces $20 Million Software Relief Fund

Opmantek software announces $20 million of software for COVID-19 essential services and calls on other tech companies to do the same.
Australia, QLD: Today, Opmantek Software, one of the world’s leading providers of intelligent Network Management, Automation and Audit systems announced a AUD$20 million software relief program for Australian Healthcare, Government and Essential service providers supporting the recovery activities for the coronavirus (COVID-19). The relief program responds to network infrastructure changes driven by increased home workers for essential government services and increased stress and expansion of resources within the Healthcare sector. Full relief is offered to Australian organisations and partial relief to international organisations.
Opmantek provides software that is operated remotely and assists organisations to manage and audit complex IT infrastructure at scale, particularly important during times of rapid organisational change. Opmantek boasts some of the world’s largest Managed Service Providers, Telco’s, Corporates and Governments as their clients.
Opmantek founding Chairman Danny Maher said that connectivity, location flexibility and uptime of core systems is critical for organisations right now and that the rapid shift in the manner of work is difficult for the IT teams to manage in order to support what is required in the field. “These are unprecedented times. We know there are a lot of remote workers, pressure on the healthcare system and pressure on government departments with workers including call centre workers trying to work from home over the internet or with software-defined Wide Area Networks. The infrastructure is under stress and producing problems for the workers and services which are needed to get through this crisis. Software like ours is urgently needed without necessary personnel having the time or ability to procure – there’s no time to waste and it’s a time for all of us that are fortunate enough to be able to give, to give fast” says Maher.
Opmantek will provide every one of their commercial products free of charge to:
- Australian Healthcare Organisations or other organisations supporting the treatment of COVID-19;
- All levels of government that have historically provided grants or assistance to Opmantek since foundation – including Gold Coast City Council, The Queensland Government, The Commonwealth Government – all departments.
In addition:
- Opmantek will provide software at cost to international organisations supporting the global recovery from COVID-19.
“What this means”, added Maher, “is that the IT teams who need to make rapid operational shifts to support the fight against COVID-19 can use all our software to help them do it, they don’t have to pay us, they don’t have to wait, they can use all of our commercial products free of charge and they can move fast”.
Opmantek software is used in 178 countries worldwide, and while now headed out of San Francisco, the Australian company maintains all research and development in Queensland and is almost entirely Australian owned. Opmantek has been Australian IT exporter of the year twice and Queensland exporter of the year 5 of the last 6 years. Opmantek founding chairman Danny Maher was named CEO of the year in 2015 ahead of Allan Joyce (Qantas) and David Thodey (Telstra). The company has been a long-time philanthropic supporter of the Australian technology industry and has won numerous other awards globally, including people’s choice in the American business awards over industry giant Dell.
Opmantek called on other tech companies to assist with technology resources to help the fight against COVID-19 and to help support the new economy with masses of home-based workers and the resulting stresses on corporate IT and telecommunications infrastructure.
San Francisco based Chief Executive Officer Craig Nelson stated “We have been wanting to give back to the Australian Government for some time, recognising our roots and the assistance we received in building the company and I support the board’s view that now is the time and we must do it fast. Our hearts go out to everyone around the world impacted, either directly or indirectly, by COVID-19. This is a moment for us to come together as never before and we encourage all tech companies that have the ability to give in this manner to do so”.
Minister for Innovation Kate Jones commended Opmantek for its donation.
“Coronavirus is one of the biggest challenges we’ve ever faced. It’s vital that we have the support of the private sector in fighting this pandemic,” she said. “This announcement just goes to show how huge crises can bring out the best in local companies.”
Governments, Health Care and Essential Service Providers worldwide can access more information and apply to receive assistance from the $20 million software relief program by visiting the COVID-19 Information Page on the Opmantek website https://opmantek.com/covid-19. Opmantek will grant all packages within 24 hours of application.
About Opmantek:
Opmantek is a multi-award-winning software company operating in the field of Intelligent Network Management, Network Process Automation and IT Audit.
Opmantek’s software helps IT teams detect faults, automate process, review current and historical network performance, predict where future failures are likely to occur and audit everything attached to their network, cost effectively.
Opmantek software manages some of the world’s most complex IT environments, including some of the world’s largest telecommunications carriers and Managed Service Providers.
Opmantek has over 130,000 organisations using their software in 178 countries.
Learn more about Opmantek at www.opmantek.com.
About COVID-19:
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. These can range from the common cold to more serious diseases.
COVID-19 is the disease caused by a new coronavirus. It was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan City in China.
Prime Minister Scott Morrison commented with regards to The Commonwealth Government’s economic plan, “We want to help businesses keep going as best they can and for as long as they can instead of winding up. We want to ensure that when this crisis has passed Australian businesses can bounce back”.
Learn more about COVID-19 at https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/what-you-need-to-know-about-coronavirus-covid-19