01 May 2020
Opmantek Team Easter Update

It’s been several weeks since Easter. I thought it would be good to share some insight through a thread that we had going inside the company about what was changing and our observations.
These are our stories from around the globe from the first 100 days.
Australia – Gold Coast

Dogs are the winners
I think that the dogs are the true winners. Where I live in Miami (QLD) I see lots of dogs being walked all the time. There are only a few reasons why we are allowed to leave our houses and exercise is one of them. So you can walk your dog. I try walk my dog with my family every day. My daughter and I take Clover to the dog park in the mornings, so they can both have a bit of a run around.

All the best,
Adam (and Clover)
(Miami, QLD, Australia)
United States – Boston

I have observed that neighbors and friends are keeping in touch more often all be it remotely. Checking in on each other and sincerely asking, how are you keeping through all this? Also, staying home has brought my daughter and I to spending more time cooking, walking on the beach and yes even cleaning the house (which was not the case before Covid:). We have a black cat named Mr. Poe and spend quality time with our target light laughing while watching him chasing it all over the house. Sharing small joys while under restriction.
Happy Easter Everyone!
(Boston, USA)
United States – San Francisco, Marin County

I’ve been spending time with my kiddos involved in lots of sports, working and getting ready for college (add to that my daily schedule) and things have been moving too fast for too many years. To Leslie’s points, lots of cooking, talking and catching up have all made for a welcomed slowing down for us.
Our dog has also had a lot of attention during the isolation period:

All the best to The Team this Easter Weekend!
(Marin County, CA, USA)
United States – North Carolina

For us we’ve had a couple big changes. During the first week of the “stay at home” mandate one of our local animal shelters reached out to my wife and I and asked if we had room in our home to help one (or more) puppies that had been abandoned at the county animal control and were slated for euthanization that weekend.
Welcome Maggie, a 5lb black lab and who-knows-what that was the runt of a litter of 11 puppies, 4 of which had passed away within days of being left with animal control. North Mech Animal Rescue took up the remaining 7 and put out a call to previous foster and adoptive parents. Maggie joins a pack with a 3-year old golden retriever, 2-year old black lab (Maggie and Sammy are in the phot below on the right), 6 cats, and a menagerie of kids, spouses, significant others, and grandkids. As soon as she completes her puppy shots and rabies vaccine we’ll be taking her on walks at the park with the other dogs.
The second shake-up in our otherwise normal routine was the decision to add in some raised bed gardens in the backyard. Originally, it was going to be just a couple rows with some simple stuff. However, it’s already doubled in size from what you see here and we’re growing everything from beans to rutabagas
(Yes – I had to look that up too! TURNIPS)
and everything in between. I am still working to figure out how to grow toilet paper and hand sanitizer – if anyone has seeds for these please send my way. While it has only been a little over a week since we planted the first seeds, everything is up and growing and looking healthy.
(North Carolina, USA)
Australia – Brisbane

I have observed so much in the last four days, a few highlights would be:
The air seems to be cleaner (view of Brisbane CBD from Mt Gravatt), taken while recovering from the ride up. Looking South I could see the Gold Coast skyline as well (80km away, that is not normal).
Our House is appreciating the attention, having rehung all the art in our bedroom including finally putting up this beautiful piece, created by ArtiSue, https://www.artisue.com.au/, also been getting through many other tasks, including fixing fences, making big red buttons work and voice activated television. However the Cat is a little confused with all of us home all the time interrupting his sleep.
The arts and sports are really having a hard time, being a keen cyclist I have seen the pros doing what they can to stay in shape and are competing online using Zwift and the other sports startups with online racing (is that e-sports?). The top level pros will be ok, but what about all the up and coming professionals, I am guessing they are not getting paid.
Really sadly the Paris Roubaix which is a famous and long running race in the Spring Classic series has been postponed, previously only wars have caused it to be cancelled.
Out of sports loss, comes art, Graham Watson https://www.grahamwatson.com a famous sports photographer, created this collage of his favourite Paris-Roubaix photos (won by a few Aussies), an amazing piece of work.
(Brisbane, QLD, Australia)
Australia – Gold Coast

It has definitely been a major change of perspective for me and a reevaluation of my priorities.
One major factor has been the friendship community that I have and the reliance I have on them and they have on everyone, we have made sure we have at least one zoom catch up a week where we have a beer/wine, talk recipes and also pass along new stories from the week;
The transition with working from home has been tough in a small apartment with two other people, but it has been successful. I built a desk and a screen mount, rather than buying one, because I have the time to do so;
But there is always a need for a second office and it is great to be outside a lot more;
Health and fitness is important to me as well, my gym has transitioned to online training with zoom, it has worked surprisingly well too, the environment is different, but the community spirit is still fantastic.
All in all, it has been a transition, but I feel that there has been some new connections with people I wouldn’t normally have, I am enjoying how everyone is discovering hobbies they never had time to try and I really like seeing everyone working together on this. I am lucky to be here, with Opmantek and most of all, living in such a wonderful place;
(Mermaid Beach, QLD, Australia)
Australia – Melbourne

The main thing I’ve noticed is the number of people out simply taking a stroll at different times of the day.
And complete strangers simply saying HELLO randomly everywhere.
We were due to go camping this easter weekend. SO we went camping – in the backyard.
Melbourne, Vic, Australia
Australia – Gold Coast

With my twins in lock down in London and Mermaid Beach, we have been helping my London girl with an ‘emoji guess the movie challenge’.

So far we have answered 22 from 25. We are missing answers for 10,16 and 25. All help appreciated .
Also happy to provide you with the answers we have once you have burnt out trying to get them.
Gold Coast, Qld, Australia
Australia – Brisbane

We couldn’t go on our camping trip with eight other families, but…I wore my camping shirt, we burnt a mozzie coil, we ate slow cooked meat, we drank beer & rum and we had an outdoor fire. Zoom got a workout with multiple families tuning in for “happy hour”.
I guess that’s as close as we’re gonna get this year. It has made us and our group of close friends appreciate how easy we normally have things. We have made a group resolution to get out more when this is over.
What we would rather have been doing…
(Brisbane, QLD, Australia)
Spain – The Island of Tenerife

An update from Spain. I live in a small village in the island of Tenerife. After 5 weeks in lockdown, it is a bit exhausting sometimes, but I feel very lucky to have a job that I enjoy, an outdoor space, where I can have some chickens – I’ve never though they could be so funny -, the cat (and me) can run and my partner can grow some fresh vegetables (we are starting with tomatoes).
I’ve just discovered that the chickens are better hunters than my cat . They love lizards.
Routines have changed. I’ve changed the gym for new exercises routines, I’m learning new recipes – they say the yeast is the new gold in these times – the beers with friends are now online, and every day at 19.00 we have an appointment in the windows and balconies to clap for some minutes for the sanitarians.
The lockdown is quite strict. We are only allowed to go out for buying some food, go to work – only the ones allowed, as sanitarians – or emergencies. The police and militaries are watching the streets, penalties are applied. The future is still very uncertain, but is time to be positive, and learn new things! To appreciate what we have, and to appreciate that our family is healthy.
Also, the weather has changed. The pollution is much lower, – We had the biggest drought this year – but now, it is raining almost every day. The earth is breathing.
(The island of Tenerife, Spain)
Mexico – Mexico City

I hope you and your families are doing fine, even though these days have been difficult, it is very important that we learn to adapt and take advantage of the situation.

Currently the security measures are very strict and we can only go out for basic things.
My routine has changed a lot, here at home I have tried to keep exercising and it has been much more comfortable to exercise from home.
Dogs are happy to keep me at home all day, although sometimes they also require their own space.

I think the best thing we can do for now is to stay safe and try to take things positively, greetings to all!
Saludos Cordiales,
(Mexico City, Mexico)