14 March 2018
Opmantek’s Queensland Based Development Team

However, Opmantek has a unique point of difference compared to other companies. The development team is primarily based on the Gold Coast of Australia. Those familiar with the location will know it is a location known for its tourism and beaches, not usually as a business precinct.
Basing a dev team in Australia is unique, choosing the Gold Coast is even more unique. The location, however, is a perfect set up for most businesses, especially for tech business. There is an international airport 20km from the middle of the city, which gives access to the rest of the world, but it’s the lifestyle that sets the Gold Coast from anywhere else in the world.
“(When you are) stuck in the middle of a big city, it is quite a stressful life outside of work…. (On the Gold Coast) you can work harder because the rest of your life has no stress in it”
Danny Maher, Opmantek President and Chairman, describes the Gold Coast “one of the best places to live in the world”. This along with fantastic support from the government has allowed Opmantek to be an internationally recognised software developer that continues to provide superior technology.
Opmantek was the proud recipient of an Advance Queensland $250k ignite ideas grant. This, alongside continued support from government, industry and our incredible client base make the hard work worth it. We look forward to moving forward and solving every solution possible.