OperaciĂłn de Procesos Automatizada

Hasta hace poco parecía un concepto del futuro, pero la realidad es que la Inteligencia Artificial y el Machine Learning son dos de las principales tendencias del sector de las telecomunicaciones y en su aplicación para las empresas. Desde los aspectos mås båsicos como los chatbots, hasta los procesos mås avanzados de Machine Laerning para las empresas, la Inteligencia Artificial ya estå presente en el día a día de las empresas, con independencia de su tamaño.


ÂżCĂłmo va a influir todo este cambio en el sector de las telecomunicaciones? Desde los procesos de toma de decisiones y relaciĂłn con el cliente hasta la posibilidad de poder calcular y anticipar el gasto de las empresas en los servicios contratados.


ÂżCĂłmo podrĂ­an las operaciones de MSP mejorar el MTTR en un 90%?

  • Utilizar mejor los datos, vincular los datos con la informaciĂłn y el conocimiento.
  • Automatizar la identificaciĂłn de problemas operativos clave.
  • Automatizar la soluciĂłn de problemas conocidos.
  • Vincular a problemas conocidos y acciones correctivas conocidas.
  • Permitir la transferencia de conocimiento del personal experimentado al personal menos experimentado.
  • Asegurar un diagnĂłstico y resoluciĂłn de problemas consistentes
  • Participar en una comunidad que comparta escenarios y soluciones.

La AutomatizaciĂłn de Procesos Operativos se trata de implementar los sistemas correctos para automatizar tareas operativas repetitivas para mejorar la eficiencia y garantizar la consistencia en los equipos de operaciones.

En Ășltima instancia, OPA se trata de mejorar el tiempo medio para resolver y reducir el costo de la entrega de resultados.


Gartner’s Top Risks For Enterprise Companies

Any enterprise company will know that operating a complex network can be like playing Jenga in the dark. It’s hard to see what you’re doing, and if you touch the wrong block, the whole structure will be brought down.

The good news is, change management within your complex networks doesn’t need to be like this anymore.

Opmantek have found a way to illuminate the challenges of complex networks to take the stress out of making changes.

Emerging risk factors

The fact of that matter is that large organisations (such as yours) are struggling to keep up with the pace of change, and are not able to respond quickly enough to the fundamental shifts that occur daily on the business landscape.

According to Gartner’s Risk Management Leadership Council, the top emerging risk factors that are currently affecting large organisations include:

– An inability to build ambitious and highly automated infrastructures due to complexity and a lack of visibility.
– A falling response perception from customers.
– Staff that are seemingly trapped by manual processes and rigid policies that are too complex to follow, and have too many exceptions to function effectively.

If you want to avoid these looming risks and hazards, you should take a close look of how your network is run. Issues such as these can materialise rapidly and can be crippling to productivity, so proactive measures are needed. However, understanding networks doesn’t require the purchase of tonnes of equipment or extensive retraining of your staff.

Actually, it’s pretty simple.

Scale your organisation

Scaling your organisation is one easy way to manage complex networks and their associated risks. Migrating the management of networks from within the cloud to a company like Opmantek with the Open-AudIT Cloud will greatly increase reliability and performance.

You should consider using a network management open-source tool that scales reliably with speed. This audit process allows for participation of other risk and control functions, as well as an aligned and consistent risk reporting regiment. Moreover, it minimises the duplication of effort for maximal efficiency.

We all know that knowledge is power, and the Open-AudIT Cloud gives you information in seconds that would previously have taken much longer to glean. You will know exactly what is on your network, how it is configured and when it changes. This is like the golden key to the exact data you need, when you need it.

In addition, Open-AudIT Cloud scans the network and stores the configuration of all discovered devices. That means you have instant access to software licensing, unauthorised devices, and things like warranty or hardware status reports. The true power of this suite comes with the ability to access the cloud anytime, anywhere.

The Open-AudIT Cloud provides scaling with controlled efficiency, hybrid environment audits, threat management through software version control, configuration baselines, configuration change detection, rack management, cloud discovery and audits, scheduled reporting and more. Everything has been tailored to mitigate costs and fight against duplication of labour.

As you can see, Opmantek is geared towards driving your enterprise towards success. You can start climbing towards a cloud-integrated network management system that will ensure your scaling is executed with controlled efficiency.

When it comes to risk management, it is vital to ensure the most advanced level of monitoring and assessment. With the world’s leading network discovery open-audit cloud software, you will automate those time-consuming and manual tasks that are eating into your productivity.

Take control of the audit process with Open-AudIT Cloud and allow your staff to focus on other areas of your enterprise that will help you flourish. Opmantek puts you back in control of your assets and provides speed, security and simplicity.


The Future Of Technology Enabled Financial Risk Management

Forget the old adage. What you don’t know CAN hurt you.

In these fast-moving technologically driven times, businesses and institutions in the financial services sector are experiencing technological growth at an exponential rate. However, their risk management tools aren’t necessarily keeping up. That means many are being left behind when it comes to collecting and storing a growing amount of data. Not to mention, having the right measures in place to protect and analyse such data.

However, there is a range of flexible and scalable tools available that allow organisations to obtain infrastructure growth with the appropriate financial risk management. For example, SaaS (software as a service) is a cloud-based software distribution model that allows a third-party provider to host applications and make them available to customers and clients online. Thus, greatly simplifying operations. Those that put off adopting technologies such as these not only put their data at risk but also their bottom line.

When considering the cost of network management software, it is important to remember the costs that will be incurred by not acting. Security breaches and loss of clients to competitors who are moving ahead of you are just a few of the negative impacts. Tools like Open-AudIT Cloud from Opmantek are great risk management tools for the financial sector that optimise enterprise growth.

Current Issues

If you are in banking, accounting, or finance there are a number of key issues threatening your ability to succeed in business. According to IBM, these include:

– Increasing regulation in various business areas.
– Increased expectations in regard to transparency and profitability.
– Exponentially increasing data volumes.
– Advanced technological sophistication.

In short, it can be hard to keep up with the rapidly expanding amount of data, the rules that govern data, and the technology used to manage it. One of the key benefits of adopting open-source cloud software for your network management, such as the offerings from Opmantek, is that you will transform and modernise out of date systems. Optimising infrastructure is vital to manage and foresee the issues that affect every financial business in 2019 and beyond.

Emerging Trends

The sector has already seen the rapid adoption of tools like Fintech and Regtech, which has created an opening for firms to adopt information-led strategies. Ultimately, this results in rapid growth and market share domination, while also mitigating risk and adhering to compliance. Over the last five years, there has also been a rapid expansion in the use of AI for voice recognition and the determination of user intent. Therefore, the financial sector is poised to revolutionise the way it approaches financial risk management in the wake of ever-evolving technologies.

Automation of workflow and robotic process automation (RPA) tools are making advanced cloud analytics a necessity for network management. Using advanced cognitive analytics allows for the integration of cross-organisation data on scales never before believed possible.


Alongside all this growth we are seeing increased regulatory scrutiny, which is the most important reason to stay ahead of the game when it comes to data. The need for advanced analytics and stress testing has the potential to push traditional infrastructure beyond its capabilities.

That is where products from Opmantek come in.

Improving your audit results are integral to leading the way with technology. Opmantek’s suite gives you the power to develop processes without arduous strain on your staff. You can automate compliance and can track your assets easily from the cloud, anytime, anywhere. A standardised approach means your technology becomes part of your asset management life cycle. The best part is that these tools increase your capabilities by making your life easier. They take the stress out of financial risk management.

Companies and firms that choose not to act in the face of technological advancement will find themselves trying to catch up as they encounter countless hurdles and learning curves. Technological growth in the financial sector shows no sign of back peddling, so there is no use trying to ignore IT and system complexity.

It is recommended that traditional infrastructure and workflow tools are integrated with leading practice such as Opmantek’s opConfig and Open-AudIT especially. These are not only going to revolutionise the way you see data but are some of the easiest products to use on the market. Don’t just trust us, see for yourself.


Rules For Open-AudIT

Hi Everybody, 

With the release of Open-AudIT 3.2.0 comes a major new feature – Rules.

Rules are a collection of entries that essentially say “If the device has an attribute with X, then make the device’s other attribute Y”. That may seem abstract, so what about “If the device has an SNMP OID of, then it’s a Cisco 1851 router”.

Out of the box we have rules for MAC address prefixes, SNMP manufacturer IDs and all the aforementioned SNMP OIDs previously within Open-AudIT. We also ship various other rules that were previously hardcoded. All up, for our first release, we’re shipping almost 100,000 rules!

“So what?” you say “What does this mean for me?” Well, it means that you no longer need to send me your OIDs and device models, for a start. You can create custom Rules that will detect (almost) anything you like and set the appropriate device attribute.

The Rules are processed when a device’s details are processed – during discovery and/or upon processing an audit result (hence, they usually run multiple times). Rules conform to the usual priority system – they will override everything that’s not a user input via the GUI. Rules are considered to be YOUR rules. Not something derived from a device. Hence they mean more than (say) something retrieved via SSH or SNMP or WMI. This is because if they don’t do what you want YOU CAN CHANGE THEM.

Rules have two main sections – inputs and outputs.

Inputs are what is used to detect and match an attribute (or multiple attributes).

Outputs are what is to be set if the inputs match.

Inputs can use several operators to detect a match, not just equals. We can use the following operators:

does not equal
greater than
greater than or equals
less than
less than or equals
like (which is case-insensitive)
not like (again, case insensitive)
in (a list)
not in (again, a list)
starts with

When we test multiple attributes in a single “input”, those attributes are ANDed together. You cannot OR them. Below is an example (from the database, stored as JSON).
[{"table":"system","attribute":"manufacturer","operator":"eq","value":"Ubiquiti Networks Inc."},

This translates to If system.manufacturer = Ubiquiti Networks Inc. AND system.sysDescr like UAP then we have a match.
The corresponding “output” section from this rules states (again, in JSON from the database):
{"table":"system","attribute":"model","value":"UniFi AP","value_type":"string"}]

Which means set the system.type to wap and the system.model to UniFi AP. Outputs can set an attribute using one of three ‘types’ a number, text or a timestamp. For a timestamp, you have the option of providing a date/time OR leaving it blank and having the system use the current date/time when the Rule is processed.

And don’t worry – we wouldn’t ask you to write the JSON. The web interface takes care of that for you. Of course, if you’re using the API, then the JSON creation is on you 🙂

One further item of note is the “weight” attribute we assign Rules. By default, it’s 100, but any Rules with a higher or lower weight will be run before or after those at weight 100. This provides a way to order the list in which Rules are applied. Mostly you won’t need to worry about this, but if required, it’s a life-saver.

Rule inputs also don’t need to apply only to the “system” table. You can have a Rule on the service table to say if we detect a service named “My Service” then set the device description to “My Service Server” (as a bad example).

At this stage, Rule outputs can only set an attribute (or multiple attributes) on the system table. Custom fields are not supported right now (stay tuned).

The Rules engine is used by Community and available for editing in Professional and Enterprise.

So, what’s the downside? Well running 100,000 rules several times does take its toll. I was however pleasantly surprised to see it takes less than 1 second each time all 100,000 Rules are processed. It does, however, mean more memory is consumed. In my testing, it uses about 500MB. You shouldn’t need to worry about increasing the PHP memory limit as we do this in code, but you will need to keep an eye on your server. Those users that process many devices AT ONCE may run into memory constraints. In general, most users shouldn’t notice any discernible difference. If you do, the first thing to try is giving the server a memory bump. It is a database application after-all, so more memory and a fast disk is always the answer 🙂

One final thing of note is the new GUI widget. Because we have almost 100,000 Rules, it’s just not feasible to display them all in a list in the GUI. So we don’t. We have built a new widget that sits on the panel header and is used to search the Rules. Input anything and the rules name, description, inputs and outputs will be searched and anything matching will be returned. That result-set will still be limited to the default page size (1,000 items), so don’t simply search for Cisco and expect to retrieve every Rule (there are 7,828 Cisco Rules by the way).

With this feature, we essentially remove the “Tell us your unknown devices” issue as well as provide a powerful tool for you to automatically set attributes of your liking to your devices. Easy.

And one more item – we now have the ability to export a Rule – or anything else for that matter. Exporting an item will provide a JSON object that you can then use for Import. The export button is on each items details page and the import button is on the list page for each collection. With this in place, feel free to send us or post to Questions any Rules or Queries you think others may benefit from.

Happy auditing.
Mark Unwin.

Open-AudIT Rules Image 1 - 700
Open-AudIT Rules Image 2 - 700

Why Networks Are Essential For Real-time Healthcare

Many healthcare providers have begun to transition to a highly connected, patient-driven, real-time healthcare system (RTHS). Such systems typically combine digital and cloud technologies allowing healthcare professionals and patients to communicate, collaborate and streamline their workflows more effectively.

But as providers roll-out new data-intensive applications capable of connecting multiple sites and devices, more strain is placed on already congested networks. If left unchecked this can lead to many challenges which can undermine the reliability and effectiveness of real-time healthcare systems.

What challenges do today’s healthcare providers face?

Network reliability – Healthcare professionals need to access Electronic Health Records (EHRs) and critical real-time data wherever they are on site. Many legacy systems are simply not capable of providing reliable access to the volume of data today’s real-time healthcare systems demand.

Quality of Service (QoS) – Healthcare providers have unique requirements when it comes to implementing QoS. Different applications, data and services must be prioritised according to their importance. To do this effectively organisations need the ability to differentiate and prioritise data in real-time.

Security – The confidentiality and security of patient data is paramount, but with the accelerated adoption of public and private cloud technologies come increased network and data security risks. Healthcare providers need the ability to monitor users if they are to manage the risks effectively.

Scalability – As more medical devices and applications are connected to the network, the more data needs to be transmitted between them. This creates issues for legacy network equipment which is already struggling to cope with the volume of data being transmitted.

If the efficiency and productivity benefits of RTHS are to be realised, healthcare organisations need to ensure the above challenges are met without compromising patient confidentiality and the ability to effectively monitor healthcare systems.

Solving today’s healthcare system challenges

There are several measures healthcare providers can take to help overcome these challenges. The most important thing is to make sure the network is designed properly from the ground up. Secure private WANs should be created to connect major healthcare sites and hospitals, with smaller sites.

Larger sites should also look at implementing private/hybrid services leveraging the existing network infrastructure with new cloud networking technologies. This can help create a more agile and cost-effective solutions without compromising the control or security of the network.

Intelligent network management software

But network infrastructure is only part of the solution. Organisations should also look at implementing robust and integrated network management software to manage and monitor the network in real-time. Such systems should be capable of monitoring infrastructure at scale and providing active data management to prevent outages, reduce bottlenecks and maintain QoS.

By implementing a solution such as FirstWave’s Network Management Information System (NMIS), network admins get real-time information about the current state of the network infrastructure and the data transmitted on it. Information about the health of specific devices can then be relayed to engineers allowing them to see precisely what impact a single device failure is having on the wider network.

But NMIS goes much further than basic monitoring. With automated health live baselining, the software can monitor the availability and response time of devices and compare that with a previous baseline period. This gives network admins early warning of impending failures allowing them to fix issues before they impact network performance.

Distributed poling for easy scalability

As with the underlying network infrastructure, any network monitoring solution deployed should also be capable of scaling to meet the demands of an ever-expanding number of devices. With more on-demand services and internet of medical things, (IoMT) devices and the number of nodes on the network is  increasing. So, any network monitoring solution deployed must be capable of seamless scalability.

To prevent such issues FirstWave’s opHA with NMIS uses distributed polling, this allows for infinite scaling while also adhering to stricter security policies that may be in place. Using distributed polling allows network admins to move from monitoring single devices to gaining a full picture of the entire network infrastructure on a single pane of glass.

FirstWave software is also designed to be a plug-and-play solution, in normal networks no configuration changes are required after the initial setup. The software currently supports more than 30,000 vendors with new devices automatically identified and added to the system without the need for coding.

Harnessing network efficiency across hospitals, clinics, data-centers and offsite facilities is crucial for the healthcare system to transition into a real-time model. By leveraging network management solutions like FirstWave, your organisation gain agility and flexibility without having to glue together monitoring systems. In providing the opportunity for clinicians and healthcare administrators to gain greater visibility into their operations and resources, they will be better equipped to improve patient care quality – do more with your data.


3 Factors Slowing Down Your Response times

Your network support staff in your Network Operations Centre (NOC) are the unsung heroes of your business. They support your business by keeping your network running smoothly and help resolve issues quickly. But to operate efficiently, these people need to have the right tools to help diagnose the problem, solve it themselves or direct it to the right team for a quick resolution.

In the early days of tech, this wasn’t much of a problem. Server and network issues were easily identified, the edge of the network was clearly defined and desktops were fixed assets which could be easily identified and secured.

But today’s network is a different beast. These staff have to contend with BYOD, guest networks, software-defined networking, WiFi and Internet of Things devices. And then there are evolving threats which need to be addressed. See my blog on Shadow IT.

If network support staff are to keep doing its job effectively in this environment, they need access to the right information at the right time. With the network evolving so quickly, many legacy applications simply can’t provide the data and insight needed to keep on top of the situation. They need a consolidated view.

If you are still using legacy software to manage and monitor your network, the following three scenarios will be familiar to you.

1. Poor situational awareness

In a fluid and constantly changing environment, your people need realtime information about the devices currently active on the network. Legacy software simply can’t provide this information quickly enough. This causes people to guess where the problem might be.

The solution is to implement a network management tool which offers real-time insight into the state of the network, maps dynamic changes automatically and highlights issues as they occur. To do this effectively it must provide a consolidated view of the infrastructure under management.

2. Poor escalations

The traditional method for escalating tickets in the NOC is to troubleshoot the issue until all possible solutions have been exhausted and then pass it on to another IT department or supplier. This is known as a functional escalation in ITIL and it is often the primary source of complaints from IT users and helpdesk employees alike.

Using the functional escalation method, key information is often missing, troubleshooting is not carried out effectively and the importance of the device in the network hierarchy is not considered. A better solution is to implement the Quality Assurance method which not only identifies the device and its user, it creates a clear path for resolution and escalation for helpdesk analysts to follow.

3. Unreliable data

Early iterations of network management software were very good at generating reams of data from every monitored device. But that data wasn’t displayed in context, deduplicated or linked to any single device or event. As a result, hundreds of alerts would be generated from a single point of failure which made it almost impossible to identify and solve the issue.

Our network management software works to solve the issue of information-overload by automatically triaging events and classifying them based on their impact on the business, not their technical nature. This rules-based approach makes it easy to identify issues which need to be fixed quickly, regardless of the size of the network.

Here at Opmantek, our next-generation network management software is designed to take the stress out of managing your network. Our software provides a real-time 360Âș view of your network, helps you identify issues quickly and creates a clear path for escalation, thereby lowering response times.

If you would like more information about how Opmantek can help you solve network issues more efficiently, get in touch with us today. Opmantek specialists are technically led and not sales-based, so you can be sure of knowledgeable answers to any questions you have about our products with no hard-sell.
